Visionary for Creative World

When Art becomes alive, it gives rise to the notions of creativity within the minds of an artist. Art is a piece of work through which elysians of observing the same things come out magnificently by an artist. Art is the visual picture of ideas. It can be defined as fun, messy, love, life, then sometimes it becomes your voice, healing of the wound, therapy, and much beyond that. Art is everywhere. It is a passion, in which there is no fear of perfection. Art is just a path of this long journey of visions for a creative world that is followed by an artist.

An artist is a creator of ideas, whose every creation showcases its journey. Artist is magician of sorts, who turns their thoughts of wonderment into pieces of originality. An artist is a person whose personality is filled with so many different colours of ideas. It could be the colour of photos whose moments have been captured in the eyes of a photographer, or it could be the colour of music whose sound amuses the people. Also, it could be the colour of dance where soul and body flow with the rhythm of beats. It could also be the painter who fills the black and white life with the colour of creative visions, so sometimes brings out the colour of the reality of the world into the pictures. The beauty of seeing art is in the eye of the beholder that how they cherish the colour of visions of an artist.


This is art’s greatest practice. Time and time again I will retrace my lip prints and find myself back in these rich minerals inside of these caves, excavating this uncharted map. Creating my new terrain, this is how I conquest, feel the temperature in the air!


Art is not a vocation; it is deeply ingrained in the artist. It gives ebullience to the artist. It is a passion to which artists earn also and survive it also. Artist is the person who learns the rules and at the same time breaks them, it also shows creativity to the world. Creativity is beyond the imagination of creative ideas, as it also showcases the feelings and sufferings of every living being in the world through a piece of art. Art also works as healing for other’s wounds, and the artist burns out the flames for every crestfallen person. True artists are neither selfish persons nor they are schadenfreude. They live for others.

This doesn’t mean their journey ends on this; the journey of an artist begins from here. The journey of hearing the voices which they can’t hear from their ears but that voice comes from within the heart. The voice of bringing out their inner creativity on a piece of sheet, or with dancing on the rhythm of beats. It could be the voice of mesmerizing the moments coming from photographs or just be the euphonious voice of a singer. The voice of emotions or feelings might be drowning the artist but coming out with the creativity of art. Art is the lucid way of expressing yourselves either with the voices of pain or sorrow or with the voice of jovial.

Imagine the world without the artist, is like water without the sea. It’s like trees without leaves, a world without humans and animals, or life without colours. How is it sounding? Boring, feeling like life has been filled with emptiness, no sorrow, no joy, only emptiness. To make our life colourful, from this black and white world to the colourful world, artists create art. They dream of how to bring imaginary visions into reality. Sometimes they wake up with the dream of self-doubt of their passion that whether their art will be able to impress others or it will just die within them. For that art never dies, it always remains alive within ourselves. You face various phases in your life, you die from within every day, you even struggle but that’s just art that is keeping you alive. Today might be a darker day for you, but believe its colours can be filled again, the world can look beautiful again. So, never doubt your creativity, on your passion, because there is not always the certainty of everything.

Create it, live it. One day your art will get felicitated by others. One day you will receive a “Thank You” gesture from everyone to show them the elysian of the world in another way. To show them that art never dies, it always remains alive and it is kept alive by the creative visionary of the artist.